Domestic Abuse and Child Abuse Study

Researchers at Oregon State University recently completed a study that suggests the way parents view their children is a critical factor in the potential risk of child abuse, and could even be more important than whether the parents are abusive to each other.

Results of the study have been published in the Journal of Family Psychology. OSU researchers say the relationship between domestic violence and child abuse is well known. For years, the generally accepted idea is that couples who engage in domestic abuse are more likely to abuse their children.

Experts have differing opinions on the reasons why.


Sexually Abused Children and Dissociation

Sexual abuse history in children is significantly associated with dissociation. Sexual abuse and dissociation are associated with suicidality, self-mutilation, and sexual aggression. Dissociation has an important mediating role between sexual abuse and psychiatric disturbance. Therefore dissociation may be a critical mediator of psychiatric symptoms and risk-taking behaviour among sexually abused children. The assessment and treatment of…


PTSD relief with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation – Magnetic Therapy Helps Alleviate Stress Disorder

New research suggests that repeat stimulation of certain brain regions with magnets can help alleviate the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a debilitating psychiatric condition that can occur after exposure to life-threatening events, such as military combat or violent personal assault.

A region of the brain called the prefrontal cortex has an “important role in mediating responses to stressful situations,” Dr. Hagit Cohen and colleagues from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva, Israel note in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
