Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury is the result of pressure waves from explosions, such as Improvised Explosive Devices, which cause damage to brain structures that regulate emotions and  thinking. Symptoms can include mood swings, depression, irritability, memory loss, headaches and impaired thinking. While most individuals recover quickly up to 15% may have ongoing difficulties including symptoms…


Victims of Crime Not Accessing Entitlements

Victoria Police Statistics show that the total number of victims of crime against the person in 2009/2010 was 39,032. In the 2009/2010 period the number of crimes compensation applications finalised was a total of 5,920. The number of applications that have been struck out, withdrawn or refused in 2009/2010 was 1,454. Therefore comparing the total number…


Parking Inspectors, Police & Other Community Workers

Parking inspectors, police, paramedics, nurses and other such community workers are often victims of physical assaults while in the process of performing their duties. Not only do they need to contend with the stressors of their very demanding employment they often need to contend with a high degree of aggression and violence often perpetrated against…


Victoria Police Supportlink Project

The Victoria Police SupportLink Project is a computer-based program system to assist police to make referrals to social support service to assist victims of crime in receiving assistance. In 2010 only about 15% of all eligible victims of crime made a claim through Crimes Compensation in Victoria. What this means is that some 85% of victims  of crime,…
