On the 13-07-14 just after 9.00 pm two friends were watching the World Cup Soccer at the Prahran Hotel on Greville Street when an unknown man joined them. Later all three went to the bathroom and while one of the men was washing his hands the unknown male punched him to the face causing him to fall to the ground striking his head on the sink briefly losing consciousness and sustained a broken nose and a laceration to his forehead. The assailant was described as being Caucasian and aged in his mid twenties who is believed to have fled the hotel with three other males after the incident. Police are appealing for witnesses to the unprovoked assault.
If you have been the victim of a physical assaultor other violent crime contact Victims of Crime Compensation & Counselling Services Victoria for free, immediate and professional assistance, advice and support on 1800 000 055 or (03) 9415 9492 or complete our enquiry form at www.victimsofcrime.com.au or email: support@victimsofcrime.com.au