Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) powerfully effect who we become as adults and what becomes of us as adults.

28% of ACEs are in the form of physical abuse, 22% sexual abuse and 11% emotional abuse with the remainder consisting of neglect and other forms of abuse.

Health risks associated with ACEs include smoking, severe obesity, physical inacitivity, suicide attempts, alcohol and drug abuse, multiple sexual partners, repetition of trauma, self injury, eating disorders and aggressive behaviour.

Disease risks include heart disease, autoimmune disease, lung cancer, pulmonary disease, asthma, liver disease, skeletal fractures and sexually transmitted disease.

Social risks include homelessness, prostitution, delinquency, unemployment, re-victimization, poor parenting, teenage pregnancy, poor perception of self and a loss of meaning.

Women with ACEs are three times more likely to suffer from depression.

Children with ACEs are ten times more likely to attempt suicide.

People with ACEs are five times more likely to suffer from alcoholism.

People with ACEs are eight times more likely to be the victims of rape.

People with ACEs are likely to die at 60 years of age, nineteen years earlier than average.

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