Teenage Dating Violence

A recent American study found that more than 30% of teenagers have experienced dating violence from 2011 and 2012. Dating violence was defined as physical, sexual or psychological/emotional violence within a dating relationship. 40% of teenagers reported experiencing some form of violence at the hand of their partners. More than 30% of teenagers reported perpetrating dating violence.…


Domestic Violence – Ten Reasons Why Victims don’t Leave

1. Lack social support.

2. Limited financial resources.

3. Limited work experience.

4. Child custody and support factors. 

5. Unable to take a pet with them.

6. Afraid of being alone.

7. Family or community pressures.

8. Guilty for believing they caused the abuse.

9. The relationship may seem healthy at times.

10. Fear of provoking additional violence.


Financial grants are available to non-government not-for-profit organisations who are currently working with victims of crime in Victoria provided by Victims of Crime Counselling & Compensation Services (VOCCS). The total amount of funding is up to $10,000.00 annually. Relevant organizations should make submission detailing how monies are intended to be used to further support victims…
