Heritability in PTSD, Depression and Anxiety

A recent study of multigenerational family members initially exposed to trauma has suggested that the genetic makeup of some individuals makes them more vulnerable to PTSD, depression and anxiety. This study suggested that around 40% of variation shown in PTSD sufferers was acountable in terms of gentic factors and the balance attributable to nongenetic factors.…


Increased Arousal and PTSD

Recent research has suggested that increased arousal, rapid heart and respiration rates, at the time of trauma may predict subsequent Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Elevated heart rate and respiration rate immediately following a traumatic event are shown to be associated  with subsequent PTSD, suggesting a possible starting point for examining the mechanics of this disorder.

Trauma and Sexual Dysfunction

In a recent study over 30% of trauma victims reported sexual dysfuntion one year post injury, with those suffering the most severe injuries reporting the greatest risk for sexual dysfunction. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression were shown to be very prevalent within patients displaying more dysfunctional behaviour. In managing sexual dysfunction within trauma victims it may therefore be…


Treating Children with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

There are two main components of Trauma-Specific Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Restructuring and Exposure Therapy. Cognitive Restructuring helps victims to re-evaluate traumatic events. Exposure Therapy helps victims to habituate to the trauma cues. Children’s treatment sessions involve psychoeducation, affect awareness and regulation, coping skills, exposure therapy and planning for future safety. For more information contact…


Health Risk Behaviours Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Victims of crime suffering from Posttraumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) are more likely to engage in behaviours which have adverse health consequences, such as cigarette smoking, alcol and drug abuse as well as poor diet and physical inactivity. 1. PTSD  raises the risk of someone smoking by two-fold. 2. About half of individuals suffering from PTSD will…


Victims of Crime suffering PTSD may be at risk of Heart Disease.

Postraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease. PTSD should be considered just as likely a risk factor as smoking and cholesterol. Over time PTSD increases inflammation which can corrode a peson’s arteries. If you have been a victim of crime and suffering from PTSD you should contact Victims of…


Functional Restoration Therapy

Functional Restoration Therapy (FRT) is a treatment for trauma related injuries such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Adjustment Disorder. The principal of FRT is to examine functional changes adopted by individuals suffering from trauma related injuries, such as loss of social functioning, and to subsequently suggest behavioural changes to restore pre-trauma functioning. It is suggested…
