1. The cost of crime to the Victorian community in 2009-2010 was estimated to be just over $9.8 billion, equivalent to 3.4% of Gross State Product, and equivalent to a cost of $1,678.00 per person.
2. Costs attributable to specific crimes against the person represent 8.2%, crimes against property represent 46.8% and costs associated with drug offences represent 4.8% of the total.
3. Other costs, including costs associated with administering criminal justice (27.4%), victim assistance (2.2%), the security industry (8.5%) and insurance administration (1.7).
Only 2.2% of the total cost of crime was spent on victim assistance and which is a very low percentage considering that the criminal justice system should be largely about assisting victims to recover from the effects of crime. It would appear that maybe we should be spending a little less on the offenders and a little more on the victims.
If you have been the victim of crime in Victoria contact Victims of Crime Counselling & Compensation Services on Freecall: 1800 000 055.