On Friday the 13-03-15 at around 1.00 am a group of five to six teenage males, believed to be aged from fourteen to eighteen years, entered a home on Exeter Road in Croydon North while the three occupants were asleep. The offenders ransacked the house stealing mobile phones and motor vehicle keys and awakening the occupants resulting in an altercation with one of the occupants. The offenders fled the home and were last seen running towards Maroondah Highway. Maroondah police are appealing for public assistance and are keen to speak to any witnesses following an aggravated burglary.
If you have been a victim of an aggravated burglary or other violent crime call 1800 000 055 or (03) 9415 9492 or go to www.victimsofcrime.com.au or email support@victimsofcrime.com.au for assistance, advice and support.