Carrying a knife and using it, particularly amongst youth is an escalating problem within Australia. Police have emphasised this as an issue in need of attention and have recently cracked down on knife possession with a number of public searches and seizures, including at train stations.

A survey showed that 57% of youths on the street had admitted to carrying knifes or sharp implements at least occasionally with 23% of school students admitted the same.

More than 80% of youths surveyed on the street admitted to having on their person a knife in the last few weeks.

Alarmingly, research indicates that carrying a knife or an offensive implement often begins at ages 13-14 years.

The use of knives in homicides has risen by 7% in the last decade. Victims are murdered with the use of a knife 36% of the time.

More than half of those who carry knives indicate that the reason for doing so is for self-defence or protection. However, with such a large number of people carrying knives, it is only a matter of time until possession turns to offence, causing harm to many within society.

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