The Law Reform Committee recently published its final report into Sexting, after being asked to do so in 2011 by the Attorney General, Robert Clark, making fourteen recommendations.

The two major changes being:

  1. That an offence be introduced for non-consensual sexting.
  2. That young people have a defence against child pornography charges if the two individuals involved are legally allowed to engage in sexual activity and are not more than two years older than each other. The argument being that if two people are lawfully allowed to engage in sex they should not be regarded as engaging in child pornography.

The committee also recommended that schools adopt holistic integrated programs and that teachers undergo more training into cyber safety.

If you have been the victim of Sexting contact Victims of Crime Compensation & Counselling Services for assistance, advice and support on 1800 000 055 or make an enquiry now at or email:

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