A new Australian Federal Government report on incest reveals that “most parents usually ignore, deny or downplay sibling sexual abuse as child’s play”.
The report said that such sexual abuse has “historically been ignored, minimised or denied by parents, professionals and authorities as benign sexual experimentation”.
Younger female siblings are often the victims and older male siblings the offenders.
Victims often do not report their abuse for various reasons, including not wanting to cause family disharmony. Sibling sexual abuse is therefore an under reported and hidden crime.
Many studies suggest that sibling sexual abuse is more prevalent than other type of intra-familial sexual abuse.
About 80% of children sexually abused by a sibling are aged under thirteen years.
If you have been the victim of childhood sexual abuse or other serious crime contact Victims of Crime Compensation Victoria for free, prompt and professional financial assistance, advice and support on 1800 000 055 or make an enquiry now at www.victimsofcrime.com.au