On Thursday the 1st January 2015 at around 3.30 pm a male approached a female at a home on church property on Maude Street in Shepparton asking for an emergency food package for his family. When the female left to get the food package the offender entered the house and stole property before fleeing the scene after being confronted by another occupant of the house. It is believed that more than $20,000 in jewellery was stolen. The offender was described as being Caucasian, thin build, approximately 165cm tall with short light coloured hair and was wearing light coloured shorts. Shepparton detectives are appealing for public assistance.

Victims of crime for support and advice call 1800 000 055 or (03) 9415 9492 or go to www.victimsofcrime.com.au or email: support@victimsofcrime.com.au

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