Considerable evidence exists confirming that many clients seeking mental health services in Australia have trauma histories which significantly affect their health and well-being.
Jenna Bateman, CEO, The Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) has long advocated for a mental health approach that moves away from searching for a diagnosis to a recognition of the impact of a client’s traumatic life experience upon their well-being. She recently stated that Australia’s mental health system has a poor record in recognising the relationship between trauma and the development of mental health problems.
A recent forum was convened by the MHCC together with advocates from Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA), Education Centre Against Violence (ECAV) and the Private Mental HealthConsumer Carer Network Australia (PMHCCNA) with the aim being to create a mental health environment that is more supportive, integrated, empowering and therapeutic for trauma survivors.