There are two avenues for a victim of crime can seek assistance in Victoria, the public system and the private system.
In the private system a victim can directly contact a private service provider, such as Victims of Crime Counselling & Compensation Services (VOCCS), and be seen by professionals and have their crimes compensation application submitted to the state government within five days or less.
In the public system a victim can call the Helpline (VAS) and tell their story. The victim is generally not informed that they are able to seek assistance by a private service provider and are all referred to contact a government service provider (VACP) and to tell their story again. An appointment may then be made to see an Intake Worker which may take up to five months and their story will be told again. The Intake Worker on nearly all occasions will then refer the victim to a private service provider which generally takes around another month or more for an appointment only to tell their story again. Meanwhile some six or months have elapsed and the client may still not have seen a treating professional or have made an application for crimes compensation to the state government.
For prompt, professional assistance contact Victims of Crime Counselling & Compensation Services at 163 Victoria Parade Fitzroy on Freecall: 1800 000 055.