The Australian Crime Victimisation Survey 2010-11 estimated that 54,900 Australians aged eighteen years and over were the victims of at least one sexual assault in the previous twelve months.

Statistics from Recorded Crime – Victims, Australia, 2011, showed that 85% of victims who reported sexual assault to police were female and that 50% of these incidents took place in a private residence, with 3748 incidents in Victoria, 3896 in Queensland and 6001 in New South Wales.

According to the Personal Safety Survey 2005 it is estimated that 1.3 million women and 362,400 men have experienced an incident of sexual assault since the age of fifteen, being one in six women and one in twenty men.

Younger people are more likely that older people to report having experienced sexual assault with 57.4% of women being under thirty-five-years age, and 28.2% being between eighteen and twenty-four years.

Almost one million women reported having experienced sexual abuse before the age of fifteen years with more than 90% of victims knowing the perpetrator. 337,400 males reported experiencing sexual abuse before the age of fifteen years with more than 80% knowing the perpetrator. 67.6% reported being sexually abused before eleven years of age.

If you have been the victim of sexual abuse or sexual assault contact Victims of Crime for assistance on 1800 000 055 or (03) 9415 9492 or complete our enquiry form at


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