Crime rate across Victoria has increased by 6.8 per cent with the total number of offences recorded up by 29,714 to a total of 391,325 offences.
Crime against the person in Victoria has increased by 10.3 per or 5,742 offences to a total of 54,454.
Crime against property in Victoria has increased by 3.3 per or up 11,873 offences to a total of 265,472.
Drug offences in Victoria have increased by 21.2 per cent or up 3480 offences to a total of 18,732.
Other crime has increased by 17.9 per cent or up 8619 offences to a total of 52,667 offences.
Arrests in Victoria have also increased by 10.6 per cent, with 178,897 offenders processed in 2011 – 2012.
Family Violence accounted for 38.1 per cent of all assaults with almost 10,000 more reported incidents.
These crime statistics are unacceptable and far more needs to be done immediately to address the drivers of crime to improve community safety.
For support and professional advice call Victims of Crime Compensation Victoria 1800 000 055 or go to