Violent crime victims waiting for desperately needed financial help

ONE crime victim every week is complaining about the long wait for desperately needed financial help to recover from their ordeal. Some victims of crime are waiting up to two years to be compensated, it has been revealed. Victims of Crime Commissioner Greg Davies said his office received a complaint every week from a victim…


VOCAT – Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal

The VOCAT Application Process VOCAT is an administrative tribunal within the Court, constituted by members who are also magistrates of the Court. This means victims of crime gain acknowledgement of their experiences by a judicial officer in the criminal justice system, but in the more flexible, informal and intimate manner afforded by an administrative tribunal.…


Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal 2011 – 2012

The Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) is an administrative tribunal within the Court constituted by members who are magistrates. Since 1997 VOCAT has received 62,773 applications, made 50,073 awards to victims of crime totalling $503 million. In 1997 there were just over 1,000 applications and over 6,000 from 2011 – 2012. These increased application…
