This survey looked at the impact of domestic violence at work and provides evidence of the prevalence of domestic violence as it affects the Australian workforce.
Key Findings:
- 3,600 individuals responded to the survey, 81% were women in fulltime employment and 64 were aged 45 and older.
- 30% of respondents had personally experienced domestic violence.
- Nearly 50% of those who had experienced domestic violence reported that it affected their capacity to get to work; with 67% describing the major reason as physical injury or restraint.
- 19% of those who had experienced domestic violence in the previous 12 months reported that the violence continued at their workplace.
- 12% of domestic violence in the workplace was abusive phone calls and emails and 11% the partner coming to the workplace.
- 16% reporting being distracted, tired or unwell, 10% needing to take time off and 7% being late for work.
- 45% of respondents with recent domestic violence experience discussed it with someone at work, though only 10% found this helpful.
- Respondents who did not discuss domestic abuse at work gave reasons of privacy, shame and fear of dismissal.
- 30% reported the violence to the police.
- 25% obtained a protection order, but only 41% included their workplace in the order.
- 14% were still in the relationship.
- 40% were living in the family home.
- 54% were living in mortgaged homes and 32% in rented properties.
- All respondents thought that domestic violence impacts on their work lives.
- 78% believed that workplace entitlements could reduce the impact of domestic violence.