Victims of Crime Risk Factors for Developing PTSD

  PTSD in response to sexual assault range from 30 to 80% (depending on the type of sexual victimization). Rates of PTSD in response to physical assault range from 23 to 39%. Younger people are at increased risk of victimization, and, once victimized, are more likely to develop PTSD. Some forms of trauma such as rape, perceived life threat during…


Victims Psychological Risks during Legal Processes

  For victims of crime involvement in the justice system may sometimes compound the original injury, known as a “re-victimization.”  Often the mental well-being of crime victims is diametrically opposed to the requirements of legal proceedings: Victims of crime need social acknowledgment and support; the court requires them to endure a public challenge to their credibility. Victims of crime need…


Restorative Justice and Offender Recidivism

  The effects of face-to-face restorative justice conferences involving victims and offenders, compared with usual court procedures, for victims of crime: On the issue of repeat offending  restorative justice has been found to be favourable. On the issue of how satisfied victims are with their own justice experience  strongly favours the intervention.  Victims’ fears of re-victimization by their offender…
