Victims of Crime – Perception of Justice Survey in Victoria

Brief summary of findings: Throughout the 2007, 2008 and 2009 calendar years Victorians reported feeling safe in their neighbourhood during the day, but reported feeling less safe at night. In relation to public transport the majority of people felt ‘safe’ on public transport during the day. However, people reported feeling less safe travelling on public…


Prevention of Victimisation against International Students Survey

A thesis is currently being completed at Griffith University regarding the Prevention of Victimisation against International Students. If you or another student you know has been ASSAULTED (kicked, punched), ROBBED or RACIALLY ABUSED (racist name calling) please help prevent this from happening by completing our quick student survey or forwarding our survey to other victims…


Victims of Crime Services – Private versus Public Systems

There are two avenues for a victim of crime can seek assistance in Victoria, the public system and the private system. In the private system a victim can directly contact a private service provider, such as Victims of Crime Counselling & Compensation Services (VOCCS), and be seen by professionals and have their crimes compensation application…
