Sexual Trauma in the Military

Military sexual trauma include both sexual assault and sexual harassment while under a military setting. The United States Department of Veteran Affairs recently published an article outlining the issues involved with veteran care. The sexual harassment can include anything from unwelcome physical or verbal conduct involving gender, sexuality, and sexual coercion. Sexual harassment involves both…


Domestic Violence in Indigenous Children

Clearinghouse recently commissioned a paper to address the issues regarding providing services to Indigenous Australian children that have suffered domestic violence in the home. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare joined up with the Australian Institute of Family Studies to implement the Clearinghouse. Services intended to provide assistance to Indigenous Australian children are still…


Foundation to Prevent Violence Against Women and Children

The Foundation to Prevent Violence Against Women and their Children recently launched in Melbourne will support early intervention programs, create campaigns on social media and back research on the best ways of reducing family and domestic violence. Natasha Stott Despoja, former Australian Democrats leader, will head the foundation. Ms Stott Despoja said she will be…
