Victims of Crime at Victorian Railway Stations

Train stations are considered by many commuters to be unsafe. Recently Victoria Police has increased monitoring and management of passenger safety but many commuters still fall victim to crimes against the person whilst using Melbourne’s public transport system. In 2008-09 there were more than 7000 criminal offences reported on Melbourne’s train system. In 2009 there…


Children Exposed to Domestic Violence

Exposing children to, or involving children in, incidences of domestic violence is being increasingly recognised as a form of child abuse throughout Australia. These children are often referred to as the ‘silent’ or ‘invisible’ victims. Witnessing domestic violence can have a vast range of psychological or behavioural effects on children. Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, moodiness,…


Victims of Childhood Sexual Assault not assisted by Superior Victorian Courts

Despite the fact that the offence of sexual penetration of a child between the ages of 10 and 16 carries a maximum penalty of 10 years, sentences are consistently lenient offering very little restitution for victims. Imprisonment accounted for only 41% of offenders found guilty of sexual penetration of a child between the ages of…


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) including Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) powerfully effect who we become as adults and what becomes of us as adults. 28% of ACEs are in the form of physical abuse, 22% sexual abuse and 11% emotional abuse with the remainder consisting of neglect and other forms of abuse. Health risks associated with ACEs include smoking, severe obesity,…


Trauma Informed Care

Considerable evidence exists confirming that many clients seeking mental health services in Australia have trauma histories which significantly affect their health and well-being. Jenna Bateman, CEO, The Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) has long advocated for a mental health approach that moves away from searching for a diagnosis to a recognition of the impact of a…


Post Trauma Stress may affect Eating Habits

Much past research has linked health risks such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and obesity to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A recent research of young females found that the higher the number of PTSD symptoms related to the increased likelihood of consuming  fast foods and soft drinks together with unhealthy dieting strategies, such as vomiting.…
